Charitable giving is on the rise in 2021! Philanthropy has never been more important as it has been these last few years, and as we approach giving season, it is important for non profits to be prepared to maximize year end giving.

Nearly 1/3 of charitable giving occurs in December, with 12% happening the last 3 days of the year. Is your parish prepared? We know that parishioners need clear guidance and messaging about giving. Parishes and Dioceses need to be prepared to ask for and accept gifts across multiple platforms.

Take a look at our Year End Giving Tips. For more information and guidance, we are here to help.

Communicate Across Multiple Platforms

In order to minister effectively to parishioners today and tomorrow, communication needs to come in multiple forms. Different segments of your parish will respond best to Flocknote/Constant Contact/email, parish website, Facebook, mailed letters, texts or even TikTok. Communicating across multiple platforms broadens your reach and more effectively communicates your mission and needs.

Share and Celebrate the Life of the Parish

Inspire your parishioners to be more engaged in the work of your parish or diocese in many ways, not just financially. The more engaged parishioners are in the life of your parish, the more they will give of their time, talent and treasure. Share your success stories in a variety of ways, such as your website, Flocknote/Constant Contact/email, Facebook, as well as from the pulpit and the bulletin.

Clearly Define Your Needs

Be specific; be clear. What will my contribution go towards? How am I helping my parish? Is the year-end appeal for something special, or for regular operating costs? Donors will be more engaged if you clearly define your needs, and how their contribution fills that need.

Make Your Appeal Personal-Be The Voice that Sparks the Gift

At year-end, donors are bombarded with emails and letters asking for money. Work hard to stand out. Engage your parishioners and donors regarding how they should be invested in your mission. Appeal to your donors’ needs as they relate to your mission.

In Conclusion

It is vital to share Year End Giving information with your parishioners in a variety of ways. Be clear on how their contribution will benefit the parish directly, or the missions/charities that your parish supports. Do not forget to promote Giving Tuesday, which is on Tuesday, November 30, 2021. Ensure that you have an easy way to give on your parish website, as well as traditional means of giving. Remember, if you do not ask, someone else will.

Be the voice that sparks the gift.