The Importance of Redemption

Beginning in itself has no value, it is an end which makes beginning meaningful,
we must end what we have begun. ― Amit Kalantri

You hear it every time you fly, “We know you have a choice of carriers; thank you for flying with us”. In the same way, we at GIG know you, as a diocese or parish, have choices when it comes to seeking counsel for your capital needs. So first, to those who have partnered with us over our 26 years: Thank You! Thank you for taking this journey with us.

Most recently, we partnered with the Diocese of Memphis to conduct their United in Faith Campaign. This diocesan campaign, conducted in two blocks over one year, sought to raise $22,000,000 to be split equally between the parishes and four newly created endowments. Thanks to the generosity of the faithful of the Diocese of Memphis, the campaign was extraordinarily successful. At eleven months past completion, the Diocese has raised, in gifts and pledges, over $30,000,000.

We at GIG are proud of this success, and of equal successes in campaigns we have conducted across the country. We pride ourselves on giving the client realistic goals, firmly based on data collected during the preparatory period of the campaign. We know our proven method of personal contacts and full time on site service will enable us to reach our goals.

But what happens when the campaign is over? We’ve asked the faithful to give, and they have responded with open hearts. Pledges have been made, and redemption is to follow over a three or four year period. How does the GIG model ensure that these pledges will be honored?

We keep the faithful informed! Periodic follow up reports, created by GIG and sent out by the diocese, ensure that all receive timely communications and updates, and are able to follow progress as it occurs. To view the latest follow up report for the Diocese of Memphis, CLICK HERE.

The Diocese of Memphis, 11 months after the completion of the campaign, is already at 40% redemption rate! While this may seem extraordinary to those who haven’t conducted a GIG campaign; to us, we know that 40% is just about perfect.

Our Completed Redemption Rates, Across Dioceses and Parishes,
average 92-95%!!

How do we achieve such success, when the industry average for fundraising is considerably lower? The GIG Plan. Redemption success begins well before the gift, even before the ask. Redemption success begins with the relationships built in each parish, with the time taken to sit with individuals and groups to answer questions, alleviate fears, and more fully explain the objectives of the Capital Campaign.

 In short, redemption success begins with our first meeting with the Bishop, Pastor or Campaign Committee.

Our Catholic, Mission Driven Model, based firmly in our Faith, knows that by allowing time for prayerful contemplation of every gift; we are guaranteeing a gift made from the heart, and one that can be cheerfully given.